Mobile Forensics, Litigation Support and Expert Witness Testimony

We provide law firms with Mobile Forensics, Litigation Support and Expert Witness Testimony to assist with litigation involving cell phone data. We can assist with extracting data from mobile devices, analyzing data produced in discovery or building exhibits around the data to help lawyers improve their case.

Mobile Forensics can be used to establish relationships between parties, verify the legitimacy of pictures or videos, establish time stamps of mobile activity, map the location of a device at a point in time or produce other content that may be located on the hard drive of a phone.

We are happy to provide a free consultation for any lawyer who would like to know more about how mobile forensics could be used to help their discovery and fact finding process.

Email and App Data

Text Message Data Table Recovery

Phone Call Records

Video Conversion

Geo-Location Mapping

Photo and Video Extraction

Relationship Mapping

Screen Shot Verification

Text Message Content Recovery

Photo and Video Validation

Cloud Account Imaging

Data Recovery

“Everyone at e-vos is friendly and helpful. Jeb has an especially insightful knowledge of the legal industry and has been able to assist us with IT strategy and planning. We know that when we call e-vos we will get an immediate response. They are problem solvers and they make IT a non-issue for us.”
Courtney A. Buxton, Buxton & Collie